
Wednesday, June 19, 2013

75% done with Chemo!

Today I had my second of four Taxol chemos. This means I'm 75% done with chemo overall! I plan on being completely cured and never having to do chemo again, but obviously I appreciate your prayers for the same.

Here is my Dad, who was chemo buddy today, with Elise before we left. Note my Dad's awesome Race for the Cure shirt. Elise stayed home but wore pink in support of me. :)

I love my support team

The Taxol infusion took a long time but was easy. They give me steroids to take the night before so I didn't sleep much last night which was probably the worst part. After the last Taxol I was really achy in the back and legs for a few days, so I'm anticipating that side effect again. But other than that, my Taxol side effect were not too bad.

Speaking of side effects, check out my hair growth. I have stubble! I was off chemo for 6 weeks to deliver Elise, so my hair started to grow back. But now that I've been back on Taxol for 2 weeks I expect it to start falling out again this weekend. Womp womp. On a positive note, now I know what I'll look like in 13 weeks.

Navy recruit?
I have some more medical updates about next steps in treatment, but I'll save those for a later post and leave you with some adorable pictures of Elise (the real reason you come to this blog!).

Passed out in the carseat
In her bunny chair that she loves
Just hanging out with Dad


  1. YAY! I'm glad to hear the Taxol is going well for you!

    My Grams is fighting Metestatic Ovarian Cancer and doing Cardo and Taxol. (first time around 5 years ago she just did Cardo and was fine) Taxol is kicking her butt. It's making her legs and knees hurt as well. Have you tried a whirlpool tub? that brings her a little bit of relief from the pain.

  2. Love the Elise pic where she's hanging out with Dad :) And 75% DONE with chemo!!! Woohoooo!! That is great news. Praying the next few days aren't too tough on you physically.

  3. We have the bunny chair too but retired it a month or so ago. So happy you're almost done!!! Elise is adorbs :)

  4. You are rockin' and rollin', sister! Go you!!! The chemo-end is in sight! I was on a sister-drug to taxol, taxotere-and it gave me awful bone pain. My thigh bones especially were achy. I found that a clay-type heating pad would help a little. Heated in the microwave and plus the weight of the pad (since it's heavy clay) seemed to give me some relief.

    Always loving the pics of Elise...she is such a precious little miracle. Continuing to pray for you, girl. You've got this, and God's got YOU!
    Mark 5:36

  5. Yay! I'm so glad you are almost done!

  6. How cute! She is adorable! Glad you are 75% there!

  7. She is SO sweet! Love the pics. 75% done- that's so close to the finish line! Stay strong friend!

  8. You've got this!!! Saying prayers for you sweet lady, Elise is blessed to have such a strong and awesome mom! My mom and aunt had breast cancer and a positive attitude like yours makes all the difference!

  9. Congratulations on your baby girl! I saw your maternity shoot on and recognized you from your other blog - newleywedsnextdoor, do you still have that blog? I'm so sorry your going through this, but your positive attitude is incredible!

  10. She is just precious! I'm so glad your doing well. Praying for you to be cancer free and stay that way for years to come!

  11. I love this picture of Peter. What a great support team you have, and all of those that love them love you just as much too. Exponential support! There is nothing about cancer that doesn't suck and you are such a champ. My prayers to the infinite are for you.
