
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

30th Birthday, Cancer Surviorship, and Last Chemo Tomorrow

This post is a bunch of random updates...

I recently celebrated my 30th birthday. Although it wasn't exactly how I would have envisioned my 30th birthday a year ago, I will say that I felt really blessed to have my husband, daughter, parents, and friends by my side to celebrate. I also have to thank those of you who prayed that I'd feel well for it. I actually felt amazingly good for my birthday weekend and got to enjoy beer tasting, a romantic dinner out with Jonathan, and a fabulous brunch with friends. I know that feeling so good was God's blessing for me on that weekend.
30th Birthday beer tasting at Ballast Point

Near our house in San Diego is amazing park called, "Cancer Survivors Park." I love to go there and feel inspired to beat cancer. Recently Jonathan, Elise, and I walked over there and took a few pictures.
I will be a survivor!

There are these inspirational plaques everywhere. These are my favorites...

Tomorrow I have my last chemo! I go back and forth between wanting to celebrate and not wanting to be over-confident that this will be my last chemo because there's always that chance the cancer could return. However, I've decided that the odds are strongly in my favor that this will be my last chemo, so we are going to celebrate it! Please pray that if there are any little cancer cells left in me that this final chemo knocks them out. And of course, please pray that this will really be my last chemo ever! As always, I'll let you know how it goes. 


  1. I LOVE that your took your newborn baby to a beer tasting!!! :) Awesome! Haha!

    That park is awesome. I had never heard of it before. Glad you live near it and can visit it when you need inspiration!

    Yay for last chemo. Praying that your cancer is gone FOREVER!!!!!!

    Happy Belated Birthday too.

  2. Hooray for babies in bars! :) Matt and I made a rule when we had Hudson, it is totally legit to bring the baby if there is a menu available. Haha! So glad you felt good for your birthday! I need to see some more pics of that cute little girl!

  3. You are always in my thoughts, Kirsten. And I'm happy that you felt so well to celebrate your birthday! xo

  4. Praying this is your last Chemo....EVER! Be strong and know you will win this fight!

  5. It's a baby. In a bar!!

    Happy happy Birthday!! Here's to hoping the best is yet to come!

  6. Hi Kirsten!
    my name is Nicoletta! :)
    I follow "on to baby" site and i saw sweet photos of your family, so I decided to know your story, I read all your story and i find that you have a wonderful character and an incredible inner strength.
    i want to tell you HAPPY BIRTHDAY for your 30years and i wish you to live your life wonderfully because you are a beautiful person and you deserve it!
    everything will be fine!

    p.s. excuse for my english :)

  7. Praying! Happy late BDay, I'm so glad you felt great that day.
