
Friday, March 22, 2013

Good Baby News

Today we had our first of two placenta and growth ultrasounds, and everything looked great! Praise God for looking after this little one.

The first piece of good news is that my placenta has moved up and is no longer marginal placenta previa. Horray! This means no need to have a c-section for placenta issues (keep praying that I don't need a c-section for any other reason though).

The second piece of good news is that baby girl's growth is in the 73rd percentile. She's about 3.5 lbs already. The maternal-fetal medicine doctor who's worked with pregnant cancer patients before said that with baby girl being as big as she already is the chance of the chemo impacting her growth is very very low. We'll do another growth scan in 6 weeks but we expect that will be good.

In cancer news, I'm still feeling OK after round 1 of chemo. Still really tired and achy a lot. Oh and I managed to pick up a small cold. It's nothing terrible but annoying. They were not kidding about a lowered immune system, jeez. I should be well enough for chemo next Wednesday, but please pray that this cold doesn't turn into anything more serious.


  1. What wonderful news! That little girl will be strong just like her mamma! Praying your cold stays manageable and passes quickly, and that you keep the good news coming!!

  2. Hope that your cold resolves quickly. Glad to hear your little girl is growing well. Sending you strength for the next cycle.

  3. I have seriously read through all of your posts since you text me the address:) I'm so happy to see praises on here and that you are doing well even though all of this, having a wonderful hubby like Jonathan doesn't hurt either. I will be praying so hard for your little family over the next several months. I'm from a family of women who has a high chance of breast cancer, we've been involved in Relay for Life for years, so this is near and dear to my heart. I've loved reading your blog through all the newly wed days, and now I'll just be praying that God heal my favorite blogger in the days ahead. You are such a wonderful strong woman:), and will make a great mama!
