Friday, July 5, 2013

2nd to Last Taxol and the 4th of July

On Wednesday I had my second to last Taxol chemo. And this should be (if all goes according to plan), my second to last chemo ever!
On my way to chemo, wearing my Fighting Fancy tank top.

The muscle aches started to set in last night and I will probably stick around for the next 3-4 days. Taxol sucks for me because I like to be active and it really makes me want to sit around and not do anything strenuous. Even walking up our stairs in our three story house can suck at times. Luckily I'm usually back to normal a week afterwards doing walks, hikes, and yoga. Will you please pray that aches don't get to too bad this time because tomorrow is my birthday and I really want to be feeling as good as I can be for it.

Speaking of holidays, yesterday was the 4th of July.

I loved hanging out with this little firecracker... 

But I also felt sad because 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays and I hated being "sick" for it. I'm just sick of being sick. I'm starting to reach the point where I just want my life back and I still have months of dealing with cancer ahead of me even in the best case scenario. Then there's the occasionally-nagging thought that I might only have a few birthdays or 4th Julys left. Sorry if that sounds depressing, but I think any person with cancer would be lying if they said those thoughts didn't cross their mind from time to time.

OK, on to positive thoughts... In just 12 days I'll be DONE with chemo. And I'm one major step closer to beating cancer!


  1. I was also diagnosed with triple negative, grade 3 breast cancer on May 6, 2013. My tumor was also 2.5 cm. I was stage 2A with no lymph node involvement. I just finished my 3rd AC treatment, with one more to go then will have 4 Taxol treatments and be DONE! :) I am 28 yrs young ;) and have a soon to be 3 year old and a 1 and a half year old :) I'm so glad I came across your blog! I too felt the same way yesterday, but need to remember with faith in God and prayer and support of family and friends, I've got this :) and so do you!!! :)

  2. Love E's red, white, and blue!!

    And I feel like I say this on every post, but I'm still praying daily for you! I love that you update here with specific prayer requests. Also, I hate that you're not feeling like yourself. Having a newborn takes a toll on all new moms, but I'm sure the chemo just makes it 100x tougher. I'm praying for quick healing after this past week's chemo and your LAST round in 2 weeks. Sending you lots of love! Have a relaxing weekend with your family.

  3. I came across your blog a few months ago from Fighting Fancy's blog. We don't know each other. I have never had cancer. But I have been moved by your story. It seems unfair that someone so young, with a baby on the way, would be diagnosed with cancer. But God's plans are not ours. I read your posts and I am amazed at your strong faith. You are a fighter. When I read your post today I was reminded of the verse from 2 Cor. 12:9 "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness"
    I am praying for you. When you are feeling weak, whether it is physically, emotionally or spiritually, I pray The Lord fills you with the strength that only He can.

  4. Yay! I can't believe you are so close to being done! Elise is just too cute!

  5. Prayers going up for you! I have no idea what you are going through, but I know God does, he will continue to wrap his arms and love around you. You (and him) got this! :)


  6. Hi Kirsten, greetings from across the Atlantic in Ireland. Your story strikes me as similar as ours. My beautiful, long blonde haired wife was diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (stage 2B) on Dec 21st 2012 (darkest day of the year, same day the Mayans forecast the world would end on!). Hers was diagnosed late because she was breast feeding our beautiful baby daughter so her breast milk masked the tumour allowing it to spread to the lymph nodes before diagnosis. We've finished chemo and surgery but I remember those last Taxol sessions as being very tough, like you she put on a very brave face to match her very beautiful face and blonde hair piece! We are now awaiting radiotherapy after surgery, juggling a growing baby girl and all the stresses of this disease, you are not alone. It is great you share your journey and I hope and pray we all overcome this disease. My father was diagnosed of cancer aged 40, dying 3 years later but his form was 100% terminal, we have hope which is precious but it seems so cruel that God gives these tests to such good thoughts and prayers are with you and your little family.

  7. Hello Kirsten, I hope you feel hugged from me. My name is Andressa, from Brazil. And I´m here to say that even not knowing you, I am praying with all my heart and my faith. I really hope you are okay.
    Congratulations for your daughter, she is so beautiful and blessed to have a stronger mother like you! God bless you all. All your family.
    Hope my good thoughts can arrive to your heart.
    Kisses from far far away.

  8. Hope you had a great birthday and that those aches went away. Thinking of you always! Love the pic of Elise, she's adorable.
